I’m looking for three voice actors to voice for my student film (NON-PAID) Kurt’s Greatest Catch. It’s about a sailor strung along by a pirate to kill a sea monster, but ends up becoming the monster’s friend.

There are three characters available for roles. Everyone speaks in grunts, laughs, gasps, and other forms of voicing without words.

Kurt: A reserved middle-aged male sailor who is apprehensive of the high seas adventure he’s whisked away on. But when he meets the sea monster Anemone, his lighthearted and jovial disposition is drawn out.

Jorgen: An adult male pirate who leads the charge to slay Anemone. He’s boisterous and loud and has a tendency to heartily laugh. But when Kurt starts siding with his new companion, his malicious and angered side is revealed.

Anemone: An giant adult female sea monster who’s more innocent and kind than one would assume. She’s cute, affectionate, and bubbly, but when she needs to, she can be a true monster.

Preferred that voice actors send recordings of their lines remotely. The audio quality of your microphone is important.

Voice actors will have to sign a release form in order for the film to be presented in festivals