Casting two lead roles for a roughly 5-minute student.

“Father and Son”

Recent college graduate discovers his Dad has taken up playing guitar badly in his absence and it changes the way he views his father. An exploration of masculinity, growing up and the changing ways we relate to our parents.

Robert (Male, Mid to late 50s) – A good natured man who has taken up playing guitar to fill his time now that his son is out on his own. Has not processed trauma from his childhood and projects his childhood desires on his son and himself. Proficiency with the guitar is not required but would be a huge plus.
Danny (Male, Mid 20s) – A struggling young adult fresh from college. He is anxious about taking his first steps into the adult world and his father’s new hobby is not helping. He is coming to terms with the fact that life has no guarantees and that his father was once a kid with dreams like him.