Hi, my name is Zachary Rippe, and I am a student at Drexel University. Myself and a few of my classmates are working on a short film, “Orion Spaceplanes”, and we need actors for the project. We plan on shooting during the weekend of May 25th-26th. Exact location is a WIP, but will be on or near Drexel’s campus (take the MFL to 34th, or the trolley to 33rd). As this is a student production, we can’t compensate financially, but we will provide food while on set. Characters are listed below. If you are interested, please send me an e-mail at captramune@gmail.com. Be sure to mention the film in the subject line – otherwise it may be lost in the spam filter. Supplementary materials, like headshots or demo reels, are appreciated.


ROGER, male, 40s, an aging PR exec despondent over a disaster that could kill the entire spaceplane industry and land him in jail.

LAURA, female, 20s, a young go-getter who was away for the past few days and is unaware of the extent of the disaster.

THE PILOT, 30s, male, a spaceplane pilot who furious over the disaster that nearly cost him his life – not to mention the plane.