I’m looking for a few actors all will be for one day.

Diane-mid thirties is a mother,wife,physically fit even muscular.will play the “hope”,”rescue”,”Hero” in the film. Might actually need 2 days for this character.

Melissa- 19-22 age look.nice girl.does the things she’s supposed to but will have her heart broken. she will have a crying scene.

Jen- 19 to 22 age look. She’s in college trouble maker,flirt. The devil dances in her eyes.not a good person.she will have a Make out scene.

Young Stanley-19 to 22 age look.handsome caucasian,brown hair,green eyes,physically fit. as the role of stanley has been cast young stanley will need to look as if he could be younger version.actor needs to be able to convey remorse,empathy and shame.he will have a make out scene.