A Day in Finance is a short, animated film about an ex-law student who goes to “extreme measures” to uncover who stole his co-workers lunch. It’s a comedy that dips in-and-out of a crime drama atmosphere. If you are uncomfortable with cursing and mild-dark humor, then I do not recommend auditioning. In case you are curious, this is a 2D animated film that will be almost completely animated in Adobe Animate with more of an Adult Swim/Adult Cartoon style to it.

I am a student so this will be a volunteer position. I cannot pay you, but I can give you full credit for your work and you can use anything used in the film for your demo reel.

I am currently casting (6) characters and anyone 18years old or older. Anyone can audition for any role despite age/gender and for however many roles they want. Below is a list of the characters in the film. This is an animated film that will not have in person filming. This is a voice over position. Please email me if interested and I will reply with further details about auditioning along with a script for you to look over.

Auditioning period will be open until Monday, February 7th.


Randy [ran-dee]- (Caucasian male) Eccentric, energetic guy. He changes emotions very easily and is melo-dramatic about everything. Like a medium/high voice.

Devon [deh-vin]- (African American male) A very average guy. He is tired and wants to go home. Devon is sick of Randy and doesn’t see why any of this is a big deal. Like a medium, chill voice.

Verónica [ver-an-ica]- (Mexican female) A worried mother who wants to leave to pick up her son because her wife is unable to. She is not too emotional, but when she gets mad she gets really mad. She has a bit of an accent. She has a medium/high voice.

Glitter [glit-ter]- (Caucasian female) An air-headed secretary. She does a lot of drugs and has a very strange family life, but she’s very, like, chill with like, all of it. Valley-girlish. A higher voice for sure.

Sue [soo]- (Caucasian female) She is a pretty cool housewife. Her husband left his lunch at home so she scaled a hundred-story building just to bring it to him. She’s cool and funny, yet she has the voice of a typical housewife. A medium/high soft voice.

Alexander [alex-ander]- (Mexican male) He has the deepest man voice you can imagine. He has one line, but he knows he’s cool. A deep voice.