Character A (I haven’t settled on a character name yet) has extreme difficulties getting out of bed in the morning. On this morning, as he attempts to get out of bed, he’s faced with a battle against his two internal decisions: get out of bed, or don’t get out of bed. These two decisions appear as real people (labeled simply on script as DEVIL and ANGEL) who enter into his room and fight with him.

I plan to shoot this in an apartment with a bedroom and living room. Shoot will take place in the afternoon.

Character A: Male, in his 20s, will be in a bed with covers and blankets for most of the film. Will be shoving and yelling at other characters.

DEVIL: Male, in his 20s, will be shoving and yelling at other characters.

ANGEL: Male, in his 20s, will be shoving and yelling at other characters. Will be pushed to the ground and falling against a shelf in one scene.

There will be food on set. Everyone will get screen credit.