**Roles could be paid depending on how project funding goes**

**Roles of Akari and Yugo will be stunt-heavy as well**

Orlando – age 35-45, Asian male, bilingual (English and Japanese)
Renowned scientist who helped cease The Great Famine of the 21st century. Orlando is a tired man. He’s lived and seen what the world has become, and he wants no more part in it. While Orlando helped humanity get back on its feet, the loss of that same humanity has led to him wanting to run away from his duties so he can die peacefully.

Akari – age 18-25, Asian female, bilingual (English and Japanese)
At the young age of 3, Akari was sent to her father’s hometown of Takayama, Japan. It’s here where she was taught by her grandfather (Orlando’s father), the way of the samurai. She grew up never knowing her father, but because she grew up with her grandfather, she knew and understood why Orlando did what he did: to protect her.

Yugo – age 20-30, Asian male, English only
The earliest thing Yugo can remember is his father dropping him off at the federal academy at age 8. Since then, Yugo spent the next 17 years of his life training and working his way up the ranks of the government. He’s now what’s known as a “retrieval specialist”, which is a nice way of saying bounty hunter. He helps the government track down enemies and rogues to the monarchy, helping keep things in-order. For years, he’s watched and worked under his father, waiting for the perfect time to reveal himself.