Zooshow is an upcoming independent horror film anthology featuring a triple threat of totally twisted thrillers TBA, with tentative shoot dates as early as May, 2023.

“Bella and her fellow cat-women endure senseless tragedy and tasteless horror films while hosting their garden variety tv special out in Kalamazoo, Michigan.”

Zooshow itself is a sister side-story and surprise-sequel to Hauntshow, which has just recently wrapped principal photography and is now currently in post. The production team here at Best Ghost Video LLC are so beyond thrilled with the results we found in Hauntshow, that we feel that there is definitely another story worth telling and striking while the iron is hot.

So here we are! Back at at! Without any further delay, this is what we’re looking for:

Character Breakdowns are as follows…


Annie the Cat Burglar — 20s, 30s— sleek, suave, sultry and oh so mysterious, Annie moonlights as a jewel thief just for fun when she’s not co-hosting daytime television or absconding willy-nilly to Europe with her snooty, snobby, very high class, high fashion, high stakes rich-girl frenemies, her so called “brunch-babes.” Annie gambles too, but only with her life. Again, just for fun.

Catty the Bat Burglar — 20s, 30s — savvy, sinful, strange and also oh so mysterious. Catty’s a little batty but don’t call her crazy… she hears that one a little too much ;] Catty has methods to her madness, and she can steal anything… including the hearts of the viewer. She’s more than a bit touched in the brain and so her behavior can be erratic and unpredictable on occasion. Catty will only abscond to Europe if there’s something worth stealing where they’re going.


If either role sound like something you’d like to be considered for: please respond with headshots, resumes, any reels + any IMDb links!

Please note that pay will be very minimal, and so we are listing this under “volunteer roles” just to be on the safer side of expectations. Our budget is likely going to be very low, but what we can afford we’ll split evenly between the principal cast—

However, we’ll feed you on-set, provide you with IMDb credit and can offer a fun, easygoing shooting experience and a whole lot of screen time in a very passionate, dark and unique independent feature down the road! =]

We feel that we have a home-run on our hands with Hauntshow, and so now we’re looking to follow that up with a grand slam here with Zooshow. Maybe throw in a bat-flip too after we knock it out of the park, just since we’re feeling fancy ;]

Anticipating 3 shooting days needed for talent, and Zooshow here will be filmed in South Jersey.

IMDb listing for Zooshow will posted soon; our production team often prefers to work in as much peace and privacy that can be afforded. We understand the auditioning process should be a two-way thing, so appreciating transparency please feel free to find our small but proud company over @bestghostvideo on Instagram— or take a look at our recent & upcoming titles on IMDb— or find some sneak peaks of Hauntshow… Tonight Returns & The Living Dead Girls at youtube.com/@bestghostvideo

Best Ghost Video: we would very much like to urgently clarify that we not a ghost-hunting company… that we just like spooky movies… the macabre, the mysterious, the melodramatic and everything between— our current focus is on horror and behind-the-scenes, but we are looking to expand into drama, comedy, romance, intrigue and beyond in the future. But enough about us,

Thanks for reading, have a great day and we look forward to hearing from you!