Synopsis: “Church Girlz” follows a group of girlfriends as they navigate the ups and downs of life as godly women, which includes careers, friendships, romances, and aging parents. The comedy-drama series features 4 friends since college, a television host, nurse, lawyer and entrepreneur. The TV show takes viewers on a roller coaster ride of emotions and moments that bond them together as Sisters.

4 African American Women in their mid-late 30s (Main Characters)
2 Teenage Children (1-Male 1-Female) (Make an Occasional Appearance)
2 African American Males in their mid-late 30s The Husband and Fiancee of the girls (Make an Occasional Appearance)
1 Male (Bishop/Pastor) (Make an Occasional Appearance)
1 Male (late 20s early 30s- Just for the pilot episode)