Project Title: Ambitious

Logline: Samara is an impatient, bold Vietnamese-Cambodian-American girl who is determined to show her independence and drive as a college-dropout. On her quest for validation she has to sort out her new lifestyle, relationships, and prove to her immigrant mother she has what it takes to succeed. Pressure makes diamonds. Or crushes them
Location: Philadelphia, PA

If interested, please email your resume, headshot and reel to,, and with the subject title “AMBITIOUS CASTING – ROLE YOU’RE AUDITIONING FOR”

February 18, 2023
Disgruntled Man (Uber Driver) / Speaking Role
Oil Man
Passerbys: x5
Teenagers x3

February 24, 2023
Millennials and Gen-zers x10
Art Gallery Crowd Member: x30
Restaurant Diner: x10
Street Performer
Passerbys 2: x5
Bar Patron: x15
Bartender: x2

February 25, 2023
Millennials and Gen-zers: x10
Bar Patron: x15
Bartender: x2

February 26, 2023
Xinh: Vietnamese college girl, a part of a Vietnamese Cultural Club, 18-22 year old / Speaking Role
Classroom Professor
Lecture Hall Students x15
F.A.A.M Club Member x10
Classroom Students x10
F.A.A.M. Spot Event Audience Members x20

March 12, 2023 (Date May Change)
Fontina Host
Fontina Customers: x14
Girl with Ginger Hair
Fontina Waitress: x2

Park Goers: x6
Chic Young Professionals: x10