‘Nights With Alice’ is a silent film about a woman helping her friend through depression, which leads down a dark road of trauma, narcissism, and romance. This is a paid passion project directed at the festival circuit, and contains heavy subject matter. Shooting will likely commence before March 2024.

Character Breakdown:

Greta (25-35) Female – Selfless to a fault. Easily taken for granted. She does everything to help Alice after her attempt to take her own life. Alice’s treatment of her will leave her numb, and disillusioned. Why she takes the abuse? The film will answer that.

Alice (25-35) Female – We’ve all met an Alice, manipulative, distorts reality, takes others for granted, but appreciates them when it’s self serving. She likes attention, and hurting those who give it. But there’s a tragic, dark past that made her who she is, and deep down, she’s just scared and needs help.

Zach (25-35) Male – Greta’s boyfriend, he has the foresight to see the iceberging coming when nobody else does, and he jumps ship.

Melissa (50-65) Female – She wants the best for her daughter Alice, years ago she wasn’t there for her when a traumatic moment changed who she is. Whether Melissa knows this or is beginning to, is up for question.

Dante (50-65) Male – A Stoic father to Alice, at least on the outside. On the inside is the evil intentions that made Alice who she is.

Suzy (50-65) Female – An emotional wreck that her daughter Greta had to be an emotional buffer for. Greta found purpose consoling Suzy, and grew up to find that purpose doing the same for Alice.

Young Alice (8-12) Female – Alice grew up in a loving household, happy, we imply something happened to change that. (Child actors will be insulated from any and all dark subject matter at all costs.)

Young Greta (8-12) Female – Greta learned to be an empath growing up, this journey originates with her mother Suzy.

Hannah (25-35) Female – Someone who dates Alice, but will hopefully never know the struggle Greta went through.

Doctor (35-60) Female/Male – The hospital and it’s doctor is a recurring character through the film. In a film about messy people, anything related to first responders or emergency rooms becomes a bad omen.

Server (20-30) Female/Male – Enables Alice to take advantage of Greta’s generosity.

Greta’s Boss (35-65) Female/Male – They don’t see the dark side of Greta’s life, but they see the shadow looming over her.

You can learn more about our work at ProffittableProductions.com

Please supply headshots, reel, and resume to be considered. Parents of child actors are welcome to reach out with any questions, we’re happy to answer them.
Email ProffittableProductions@gmail.com with “Nights With Alice Actor Submission” in the subject line. Thanks in advance!