Philadelphia area MV Non-Union Casting Call:

Info and submissions here:

Girl daydreams of her childhood sweetheart every time she puts her headphones in.

DREAMY: Lead Role. 18 to 30 years old, female. Shy, quirky school student daydreaming about a childhood love Looking for an actor whose look can morph from a shy, reserved, sad school student to a more confident, beautiful, inspiring, happy adult living out her dreams. Pay is $150/day

Mr. Dream: Lead. 18 to 30 years old, male. Handsome, confident (but not overly), cool/chill, popular male student that all the girls like. Doesn’t seem like he’d be into the quirky, shy girl. Pay is $150/day

TikToker 1-3: Supporting. 18 to 30 years old, female. The “Popular Girls” at school filming sexy TikToks, attracting the attention of “Mr. Dream“ away from “Dreamy”. (Self absorbed, overly confident, flirty, attention-seeking). Pay is $75/half-day
Students: Background. 18 to 30 years old, any gender. Students at the school. Stipend: $25