Hey all!

Need to find a suburban house location for a short shooting 9/10 6:00pm – 7:00am 9/11.

Looking for a nice looking suburban home in a development or in a neighbor idyllic neighborhood. With a front porch (ideally with steps up). Also need a small back yard/side yard. Also shooting a small portion in a kitchen/living room.

2/3 of shoot is front porch/back yard and then 1/3 interior.

This is definitely a paid situation. Also willing to give you a Locations Manager title if you help facilitate.

Must be serious inquiries though. No dogs. No kids. We will be shooting all night so we don’t want to disturb anything. Or have anything disturb filming. You know the deal.

Please email ContactApositiv@gmail.com ASAP with pictures and city/town of your location. ASAP ASAP ASAP thanks!!
