I am looking for 2-3 actors. Depending on how this goes, if I have to I will fill a role with myself. One role being a roommate (1) who is always doing drugs. Another being a roommate (2) who is annoyed with the other always doing drugs. The last role is to play a homeless man (3), who has a short interaction with roommate (2). There will be 3 scenes. Scenes 1 and 2 will take place in an apartment setting. Scene 3 will take place on the Race Street Pier, underneath the Ben Franklin Bridge; unless you would like to find a place more accessible. The apartment setting can also be at mine, or anyone else’s apartment. You do not need to be an amazing actor. The hardest part will be memorizing lines. Each scene will be short, but they will be done in one continuous shot. Contact me for a script. Shooting will likely take 1 day, possible 2 days. I am looking to shoot the film anytime between April 17th and April 24th.

The film is intended to portray a few different ideas. 1. How in college we lose sight of the dreams we had before coming to college. 2. The effects of drugs. 3. How friendships change in college.