Logline: Two childhood friends on the precipice of adulthood talk about culturally-significant jewelry after a sleepover, but the air is tense with feelings that remain unsaid between the two.

ETHAN (M, 18-25, half-Mexican & half-Irish)
Gabriel’s childhood friend. Ethan is the poster child of an angsty, emo burnout. He builds a callous outer wall to hide his fear of judgement from others. He’s had feelings for Gabriel for as long as he can remember, but has been too scared to speak up about them.

GABRIEL (M, 18-25, Mexican)
Ethan’s childhood friend. The eldest child of a Catholic immigrant family, Gabe wants nothing more than to be the perfect son for his parents. His complicated relationship with his sexuality is exacerbated by rekindling a relationship with Ethan.

This is a non-union production that will shoot next to Temple University. Previous acting experience not required.

Compensation in the form of craft services, credit, and a digital copy of the film guaranteed.

Sides for self-taping will be distributed on a rolling basis.
One in-person rehearsal will take place in early June next to Temple University (date TBD).
Production will take place on SATURDAY, 6/15/24.

Please email sophieaguila22@gmail.com by EOD May 31st with a resume, headshot, and/or reel if interested in applying!