Horror Comedy Short Film Casting (PHL)
Join us for a spooktacular event – the Horror Comedy Short Film Casting! If you love horror and comedy, this is the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your acting skills. This is a 1st round virtual audition.

Synopsis: A young woman quits smoking in an attempt to live a healthier life,
but on a camping trip with her less-than-supportive hipster boyfriend, she soon discovers
restriction is rarely the path to inner-peace. Sometimes cutting out bad habits gets a little bloody.

Whether you’re an experienced actor or just starting out, we welcome all levels of talent. Our casting team is looking for individuals who can bring the perfect blend of scares and chuckles to our upcoming short film. So, if you’ve got the talent to make people scream and laugh at the same time, don’t miss out on this chance!

Get ready to impress us with your unique acting abilities and leave a lasting impression. We have TWO lead roles open for NON UNION members only. THIS IS A PAID ROLE. We are accepting submissions in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas.

Please follow link below for audition details and submission form and show us your best acting skills.



Woman. Trendy, 25-30, small fat/plus size/thicc queen – always has a tummy ache from
cheese, threatens to quit corporate job weekly but never does, looks alternative but got
all her clothes from Amazon, vents to her notes app instead of a therapist; thinks its
poetry, has a sub stack that only goes to her parents and 6 friends, smoker.

Man. Hipster, late 20s-early 30s, thin, tattoos – has never had a job outside of the service
industry, Kenergy without the passion, too cool for school, habitual smoker but has
trouble using a lighter every single time.
This casting is currently live and will close on January 19th,2024.