Casting “The Day the Wind Blew East,” a short film. This warm and witty romantic drama/comedy takes place in the early 90’s in a fictional Tennessee town that has seen better days. Our story plays out one late August day in a corn maze on the outskirts of town. Baby-faced Paul Deakins returns to the small Tennessee town he once fled to regain the one thing he’s left behind: his one true love, Lily Rose. Lily has done everything she can to forget Paul. She’s wept, she’s slept, and now she’s proposed to be kept. Is Paul the real deal, or will the wedding become a funeral? This film appeals to the romantic in all of us, reminding us of a simple love from a simpler time. Written by Matthew Pinna.

PAUL (18-28): Baby-faced. A determined old soul who is often short sighted, our hero Paul makes his return to that small Tennessee town he once fled. His only mission: to reclaim the one thing he’s left behind: his one true love, Lily Rose.

2-day shoot on a Saturday & Sunday in Asbury, NJ. Sometime between mid July & mid September. Dates TBD. Pay will be between $40-80 a day.

To submit, please email with your headshot, resume, and reel/scene/monologue.