A group of vloggers travel to the legendary ghost town of Slaughter Hill, where the
entire population vanished overnight. In pursuit of internet fame, they stumble upon
an eerily occupied farm that may hold the answers to the town’s disappearance.

This is a feature adaptation of the award-winning short film – https://youtu.be/u_JYoeWuPyI

Please do not submit without video content of some kind. The submission will NOT be considered. We need to see you in action.

(18-25 Female) Youthful and Energetic, but very serious when it comes to her social media mission and why they’re on this adventure. She’s probably the youngest of the group, but others follow her. She leads the group on a mission to film some creepy content for her socials, but it doesn’t end well. She resurfaces later in the story in a pivotal way. Open to all ethnicities.

(20-28 Male) He’s a nerd other groups, but not in this one. He has the most experience in what they’re doing so Haley looks him for advice, which he enjoys because he’s crushing on her. Not in a weird creepy way, but in a subtle protective way. She knows he likes her and she flirts back. Must be Hispanic/Latin. Character is from Ecuador.

(18-25 Female) She is more of the “why are we here” type. This isn’t her usual bag. Her boyfriend Frank probably told her they were just going on a romantic camping trip. She’s not completely unlikeable, but she complains. She contrasts Haley a lot. Brief romantic scene / implied nudity with Frank (Zachary Roozen). Open to all ethnicities.

(25-35 Male) Charming and funny, but sarcastic and cynical. He’s the super nerd tech guy. Not that he’s a pencil pushing dweeb, but he’s the guy that knows the spec sheet on the equipment they need. He is not usually good with women, but he has a crush on Dani (Jonetta Kaiser). His ability to make that clear is pretty poor. But funny for us. Open to all ethnicities.

Please send submissions to StalkedMovieCasting@gmail.com. Be sure to put the character name in the subject.