Hello everyone. I’m looking to fill three roles in my short film looking to film the beginning of April! Indemnification is about 3 half brothers try to move on from the day their dad was taken away for killing a cop. Until the daughter of the officer bent on revenge drags them back into it forcing them to relive some traumatic moments. Looking to fill the roles of…
Detective Chad- One of Bryce’s long time friends. Mid 20’s to late 40’s open to any ethnicity

Detective Adam- Officer Bryce’s other long lost friend. Mid 20’s to late 40’s. Open to any ethnicity

Officer Bryce- The police officer responsible for the death of peter’s wife. Mid 30’s to 50’s Caucasian male.

These roles only require a few lines and an appearance in the beginning and end of the film. This is volunteer but food, drinks and credit will be provided.if you’re interested in any of theses roles please email me with a pic of you and links to your work @wdeven346@gmail.com