Barcode Game is a Sci-Fi Action TV Pilot centered around Alison. A young woman who is trying to make ends meet by being an Uber driver. However, one day she finds herself picking up a shady patron who gets her caught up in a deadly game which causes her to risk life and limb for profit.

The production is currently in pre production. We are planning to start production in December, but are proactively looking for certain crew members which are as follows

Camera Operator

Owning your own gear is a plus, but not required.


Looking for someone who is proficient in both Premiere Pro, (Or Final Cut, Davinci Resolve, etc.) as well as After Effects.

(Major plus if you can work a camera as well as edit.)

This is a low budget project. Rates are negotiable and can be discussed in the initial interview. Please put “Barcode Game Camera” or “Barcode Game Editor” in the subject line when sending resume and reel.