Paradigm TV is looking to cast actors to for a biblical themed music video. Please see the list of characters and their descriptions below:

1) Jesus- Male, late 20’s/early 30’s, olive complexion. Must have a beard and long hair.

2) 12 Apostles- Peter, James, John, Andrew(younger), Philip, Judas, Matthew, Thomas, James(younger), Thaddeus(Jude), Simon, Bartholomew- Male, any race. Must have a beard.

3) 2 Police officers/Roman Soldiers- Male, Caucasian, mid 20’s/early 30’s.

4) John the Baptist- Male, mid 20’s/early 30’s. Athletic/muscular build.

5) Modern day Preacher- Male, African American, between 30-40 years old.

6) Mother Mary- Female, mid 30’s to early 40’s.

7) Extras for background shots- any gender, any age, any race.

Please contact the producer at When you contact us, please include which character you are interested in playing along with your information.