Casting African American lead actress for “Special Favor,” a proof of concept short film.
Genre: Thriller
Logline: A man with an ulterior motive visits a private residence for a massage. Unknown to him, his masseuse has a secret of her own.

Jenny (21-29)
African American
Playful, eccentric, deceitfully easygoing & loves to upsell
Nurse outfit, hat, heels/shoes, stockings, and doll mask
*Must be comfortable wearing the above attire (no nudity)
*Must be comfortable massaging another character’s arms, neck, back, chest, and calves.

Two-Day Shoot in Eagleville, Pennsylvania
Table Read at office space (travel expenses will be covered)
Test-Shoot at film location a week before filming (travel expenses will be covered)
Tentative start date of late February/Early March (Specific Date TBD)

If interested, please email headshots/reels to: