ALIAS The Movie

Vhal a local hip hop lyracist and composer faces challenges as he pursues the one true passion he has in life.

The following roles to be filled;

1. NORI – Vhal’s fling, female, 21-30 years, ghetto fabulous

2. LOLO – Nori’s BFF, female, 21-30 years, ghetto fabulous

3. PEANUT – neighborhood miscriant, gambler, male, 25 – 35 yrs

4. ROOFTOP – club bouncer, male, 30-50 yrs

5. UNK GUY – Harley’s date, male, 25-35 years

6. TY – Neighborhood friend, male, 21-30 years

Compensation will be deferred until after all over head has been recouped. Meals will be included.