Zenescope Entertainment is a production company located in the suburbs outside Philadelphia in Huntingdon. For the past 20 years, the co-founder of Zenescope, Joe Brusha and Ralph Tedesco have delivered fantastical and mysterious comic and graphic novels. The company is also known for its live stream V-cons that allow them to interact with fans directly and provide special deals and savings for their customers.

Zenescope is seeking to begin a new web series called ‘Story Time With Sela.’ Sela is the main character in Zenescope’s most popular comic series, ‘Grimm Fairy Tales’. As the protagonist of this series, Sela acts as a guide and a teacher to other figures within a given story. She is wise and knowledgeable when it comes to lore, myths, and legends. In ‘Story Time With Sela’, Sela will perform a small introduction scene to each episode, and then a voiceover telling the story of the animated short being shown. This will be the first live-action role-playing of Sela, giving the actor a chance to take the character in her own creative direction. Of course, if there is any confusion, we have lots of materials including Sela’s origins and tales for the actor to look through and get a good feel for the character.

Zenescope Entertainment is looking for a female, white/Asian/racially ambiguous actor between the ages of 20 and 35 to take on this role. If the series does well, there is no doubt we will continue it moving forward.