Looking to cast 3 actors, 2 lead, one supporting role in the student film Broke.

Broke follows Clay, a young man leaving another day at his job, and the aftermath of a fender bender that ruins his car, the one thing that he’s got left, and the kindness of a stranger… who wrecked his car. (Note… no actual cars will be wrecked for this project.)

To be cast:

Clay, 20s-30s, male. Main protagonist, down on his luck, living day to day, “I don’t care” attitude but really does care, slightly aloof, angry at the world, not caring about appearances.

George, 20s-30s, male. Secondary protagonist, clean and tidy, calm, cool, collected, has a lot of money but doesn’t act like it, cares to a fault.

Jeff, 40s-60s, male. Mechanic, appearing briefly as supporting role. Blunt and to the point.

Shoot dates will be November 1st and 2nd, possibly 3rd for pickups if necessary.

Volunteer position, meals will be provided.

Please submit a headshot to fieldproductions8@gmail.com, resume and reel not required but preferred to set up in person auditions.