Alex has not always been on the path to be a filmmaker. He spent time as a Special Education major in college before switching to film. During my time in that major he worked at Variety Club, a summer camp for kids with disabilities, for two summers. Even after switching his major to film, he still worked there because of how amazing of an experience it was. He spent his later years in college learning and building his writing and directing skills while being involved in the comedy organization Temple SMASH, as well as writing and directing several short films that have been official festival selections. He wants to tell this specific story because of the lack of films involving individuals with disabilities. His time spent in Best Buddies the last six years, as well as three summers at a camp, has shown him that there are plenty of stories to be told.
My First Shot is a short film that follows Will, a young man with Down Syndrome, who has just finished high school. He has been applying for jobs with no success, until he comes to Maurice. Maurice owns a clothing store and brings Will on as a new employee. The rest of the story follows Will’s struggles as he adjusts to post graduation life with a set of new obstacles and new friends. The story is inspired by my friend Kevin who has Down Syndrome, and his journey after finishing high school. I met Kevin in the organization Best Buddies International back in high school. Best Buddies International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

As of now, My First Shot has been an official selection at seven festivals and won multiple awards including ‘Best Short’ at the Canadian Diversity Film Festival February 2021 and the Hollywood BLVD Film Festival!