Greater Philadelphia Film Office


Looking for actors interested in playing multiple comedy-oriented characters for a creatively explorative piece with the working title ’88. Filming location will be in the Philadelphia/New Jersey area.

The film centers around four old friends, one of which own a burgundy 1988 Fifth Avenue in great condition. Being recent college graduates what else is there to do but hotbox in it? As the four enjoy their haze-filled evening, they begin to discuss the car itself. From there, the film branches off into three separate stories each telling a unique version of what life the car had before the current owner got his hands on it.

The owner being a recent Film major graduate, starts off with a noir-inspired, black and white drama following the infamous “Don Carmine.” However, this story does little to appease the other three passengers. Thus, he moves onto a story of a shady, underground card playing game set in the 90s. Once again, this story fails to entertain his friends and finally the driver moves onto his final story; a tragic love story between an older couple. After finally telling a story with an emotional core, the other passengers are finally satisfied.

This film serves as both an exploration of our creative voices and a reflection of our journey as creatives. Actors interested in one of these roles can expect to do improv!

Preferred actor range = 20s-50s

Gabby/Jean: Gabby is your average woman from the 40s who has the misfortune of crossing paths with Don Carmine and becomes his unwilling getaway driver. Jean is a stone cold card-player, when one plays against her, they have a hard time telling whether or not she is bluffing.

Goon 1/Mauricio: Goon 1 is your typical meathead sideman, with little critical thinking skills and a high degree of loyalty, Goon 1 is the trusted right hand of Don Carmine. Mauricio is the average sleaze-ball card player, always itching to tip the scales in his favor however he can, he cares very little for the plight of others but he does care for his sweet ride, some would say that’s all he cares about.

Goon 2/Arthur: Goon 2 is much more pragmatic than his simpleton counterpart, always analyzing the situation and trying his best to impress his boss. Playing second fiddle to someone like Goon 1 motivates Goon 2 to try his best to stand out, usually stating the obvious in an effort to seem more intelligent than he actually is. Arthur is only in the game so he can make up for his lack luster success in life. Failing to meet his potential, Arthur is frustrated with how others look at him; as an unassuming nerd who won’t ever be in charge. Arthur plays these games to prove to himself that he was what it takes to rule the roost.

For the final love story, separate actors will be used with the preferred age range of 50s-60s and 20s-30s.

Harold(50s-60s): A sweet, caring man who will go to any length to care for his sick wife. The two have been together for as long as they can remember and seeing her fills him with an indescribable warmth.

Younger Harold(20s-30s): The younger version of Harold is still sweet but slightly more naive and hotheaded. His first car was a 1988 Fifth Avenue, the car he met Eleanor in, and the car the couple has filled with memories ever since.

Eleanor(50s-60s): A direct, but soft spoken woman who used to care for Harold before she came down with her illness, now Harold serves as the caretaker of the house. While she loves her husband, she hates her loss of independence and is constantly telling her husband that she can handle things on her own, but Harold refuses to listen as he wants his wife to live in comfort for the rest of her time with him.

Younger Eleanor(20s-30s): The younger version of Eleanor is a bit more abrasive in her youth with a high degree of independence, She’s the type of person who likes to do everything herself.

Actors interested please send head shots and a brief bio about who you are. First rounds of auditions begin February 4th!