Greater Philadelphia Film Office
Casting for American beauty – an anthem against catcalling.
Looking for men of any race (21 years or older) who are willing to play catcallers.
Roles are Paid. Reel Credit.
Approx 2 Hour commitment depending on role, all shooting on Oct 13 & 14. Various times available.
All shot within Philadelphia.
No dialogue will be recorded, some actors will be ‘speaking’ calls from the song. Direction will be provided.
There are 5 roles:
1. Businessman – Walking on street. Business attire.
2. Normal person standing outside, smoking or on phone. OR, two men chatting outside. Everyday attire.
3. Wildcard for attire / looks. Standing or walking outside.End shot of the song, gets a (not hot) coffee thrown at him.
For this role we will request you bring a cheap light colored tee or long sleeve, and we will reimburse you.
Available shoot times for all 3, only need to pick one —
7-9 am sunday Oct 13 /// 12-3:30 pm sunday /// 9:30 – 12:30 am monday oct 14 /// 2:30 – 4pm monday
4.Lyft driver – picks up girl, Drives a bit. Normal attire, must have license.
Will compensate extra if you have your own car.
Shooting 2x for lighting tests. 6-7:30 PM Sunday Oct 13, & 7-9 AM monday Oct 14
5. Guy on subway. sits next to her. everyday attire.
Shooting 9:30 – 11:30 am sunday oct 13 OR 11:30 – 2:30 pm monday
Please submit headshots and your preferred role via email to
Thank you for being a part of this project!