Greater Philadelphia Film Office
Desposyni, LLC is running a
Cover Art/Movie Poster Competition
for Jean Galliano’s award winning screenplay, Desposyni.
One Winner of a $350 Cash Prize
Greetings Artists, We are at a new threshold in our film project. Our Production Company has requested cover art for our movie poster.
Please learn a little about our screenplay.
Desposyni is a very intriguing and imaginative script with a compelling premise. It tells an untold story of Christianity, viewing a very familiar story from a completely new and fresh perspective. The script doesn’t lift exactly from the Bible, but rather combines Bible stories with Gnostic Gospels and other Ancient Traditions to create something new and original.
Chicago Screenplay Awards
PRINT – Name:_______________________________ email:_____________________________
Submissions should be sent to:
in .jpeg format – low resolution .72dpi. With a copy of this form filled out and attached.
Winning Artist agrees to supply high resolution print quality image 300dpi or larger in order to collect the $350 Prize – which represents full compensation. Winning Artist agrees to release the final artwork royalty free to Desposyni, LLC to utilize in any and all promotional campaigns, print, cyber on any media format from the date recorded below and into perpetuity.
Deadline: May 1, 2020 AGREED:______________________________________[signature] DATE:_________________________________________