Greater Philadelphia Film Office

Casting Call for new children’s pilot, Sci-Kids!

Non Union
Non Paid
IMDb credits provided
Breakfast and lunch provided on set

Main Characters:
Male: 8-11 years old, African American, leader of the pack, develops the gift of mathematics.
Male: 8 – 11 years old, White, risk taker, develops the gift of mechanical engineering.
Female: 8 – 11 years old, Hispanic, shy, loves nature, develops the gift of natural science.
Female: 8-11 years old, African American, outgoing and spunky, develops the gift of computer science.

Supporting Characters:
Louis: 30-40 years old, African American male, father
Katrice: 30-40 years old, African American female, mother
Male: 11-13 years old, African American, brother

Science Teacher: 25-40 years old, quirky, loves all things science
Math Teacher: 25-40 years old