Greater Philadelphia Film Office

Cheryl (40s-50s), a city residing mother with a knack for handling the bustle must, to her dismay, return to her former bubble of the suburbs for a day trip at her micromanagaing father’s, Robert (70s-80s, preferably taller), house. Luckily for Cheryl her son Liam (Early 20s, preferably 21 at least), a shy taller lanky young man, home from college tags along with the intent of getting out of the house. Also there is aunt Denise (40s-50s) energetic and eager to have a younger crowd, as she spends much of her time helping out Robert.

Cheryl and Denise should somewhat resemble each other, and Denise should be the older of the two.

Robert is blunt in his delivery, and has a lumbering physicality in how he moves.

Actors will be given screen credit

Meals will also be provided on the shoot days

Send headshots and reels, if you have them, to the provided email
More information will be provided from that email in the coming weeks