Greater Philadelphia Film Office

Actors are needed to audition for all roles

Guy (late teens/the early 20s, meek)
The primarily silent protagonist and the point of view of the audience. He has the decision to make and he’s stalling for time.

Cate (20s, sympathetic nature)
Has the most dialogue in the film. She’s that alt-goth barista stereotype, but she’s nice because she wants to be, not because she is paid to be. Also, she is a nicotine addict.

Stazio (20s, self-important)
He cares way too much about his minimum-wage job. He is also chronically Italian-American or at least acts like it. Maybe he is trying too hard to be like his dad,

Boy 1 (Teenaged)
He’s a high school kid. He’s more thoughtful than Boy 2, but by no means more innocent.

Boy 2 (Teenaged)
Do you know that friend who would say the most fucked up shit to be funny and or get a rise out of a person? This is him.

Nurse (mid 30s, tired demeanor)
A palliative care nurse. He watches people die slowly on the regular and doesn’t know what’s worse; seeing people die surrounded by a moaning distraught family, or seeing someone die alone.
Darleen (60s overweight, unfiltered)
She will say whatever she wants when she wants. If she busts your balls it’s only because she likes you.