Greater Philadelphia Film Office

This is a non speaking project where each volunteer will be asked to share 1-3 about how a popular ballot issue is important and how it affects them. This line should be shared in writing.

We will film in public areas around the city. Volunteers can choose not to have their face on camera, but it is encouraged! You can either turn your back or be filmed from the neck down.

Volunteers may share who they are voting for but this is not required.

This video should take no more than 30 minutes to film and will likely be done on iPhone.

To submit, please email your name, a picture, and three lines for the video to Maya Alexander at

Example quote: “We knew we did not feel emotionally or financially ready to parent yet, and I knew that I did not want to be pregnant.”

Your quote can reference COVID responses, public school funding, abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, etc.