Job Title Multiple Roles, Supporting for Instagram Reels Series
Compensation Volunteer
Job Category cast
Project Name Sedition
Contact Nick Belial
Phone 610-241-2152
Email [email protected]

Production Description

Casting “Sedition” a 60+ episode web-series for Instagram’s new Reels platform.

Synopsis: Sedition reveals the story of a mysterious woman who inexplicably appears at a wide range of humanity’s earth-changing events– covering a span of many millennia.

Please note: This is a micro-budget production. It is experimental, in the sense that the “episodes” are being filmed exclusively for Instagram’s new Reels platform which has exploded in popularity over the past 2 months. We are hoping to attract new, fresh faces to the project– actors and actresses who are serious about their work and wanting to get their foot in the door. Those who live in, near, have easy access to, or who have a personal connection with the Greater Philadelphia region and Delaware Valley area will be given priority consideration.


Speaking role for female actress. Longer, dark-colored hair or redheads (must look completely natural). Youthful, 20’s, thin-framed, feminine appearance is crucial to the role. Needed on set one day for about 1-2 hours. 2-3 lines. Requires an implied scene with the character standing behind/covered by leaves, tree branches, etc.Age: Must be 18+

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian, Middle Eastern / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Cover Letter


Actress, approx mid-40s to early 50s to portray local woman present at  a tomb, post-crucifixion. Medium to long, dark brown or black hair. Height/weight proportionate. Period clothes provided. Minimal dialog, one brief scene w/1 line. Needed on-set one day for 1-2 hours.

Age: 30-45
Ethnicity: Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Cover Letter

Ability to do a french/Haitian accent helpful. One scene. Needed on-set one day for about 1-2 hours. 2 lines of dialog. Death scene wearing military uniform.

Age: 40-65
Ethnicity: Black / African Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Cover Letter

3-4 male actors, 30s to 60s to portray Generals (US Revolution, French Revolution, Civil War, Modern-era military) on the battlefield who remain tough and defiant till the end. Minimal dialog. Death scene. Uniform provided. Needed on-set one day for approx 1-2 hrs.

Ethnicity: Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Cover Letter

Actor to portray an older, white-haired and bearded gentleman, seated— scrying and writing prophecies in a journal. No distinct dialog. Man is talking/mumbling to himself as he writes by candlelight. Brief scene, you will likely be needed on-set one day for 1-2 hours.
Age: 50-70+

Ethnicity: White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Cover Letter


Actor to portray Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II in mourning, leaning over his recently dead son’s body. A woman is urging him to not allow the Exodus/freedom of the Israelites he’s held in captivity for decades. Must be muscular or thin-build. Bald or short, black hair.Brief/minimal dialog. Needed on-set for one day for 1-2 hours. Note: Shoot location may be in southern Delaware at the beach.
Age: 30’s to mid-40s

Ethnicity: Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Middle Eastern
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Cover Letter

Rehearsal and Production

Dates & Locations: Shoot dates TBD. We will begin shooting scenes in fall, continuing through early winter and wrap in spring 2021. We are shooting for a SPRING 2021 RELEASE, Six episodes per week over ten weeks.

Compensation Details:

Supporting roles are no pay. We will be providing a small stipend to help offset the costs of travel to the shoot location. Additionally, each actor will receive a copy of their scenes for their personal reel, provided promptly after release of the series. You’ll receive on-set and behind-the-scenes production stills, plus promotion on our site and across social media. Actors may also elect to schedule their choice of either a modeling or headshot mini-session with professionally retouched images, to be completed after filming ends– Session shall be provided at no charge.