Compensation Paid
Job Category crew
Project Name The Rainbow Prince
Contact Samantha Tan
Phone 774-437-8134
Email [email protected]

Looking for music artists or a band (3 people max) who specialize in Latin music (North, Central or South American) for a short film called THE RAINBOW PRINCE.

We’re looking for musicians who can sing and play their own songs for a PARTY SCENE. It can be “New / Modern” music. If lyrical, it’s preferred that they can sing in Spanish.


Emmy and Golden Globe nominated producer Doug Claybourne, (The Fast and The Furious, The Mask of Zorro, Rumble Fish) is seeking musicians to work with us on our non-profit, SAG ULB short. This is a racial equity and inclusion, original fairytale for K-6 kids, the RAINBOW PRINCE PROJECT.

Our intent is to make something unique and memorable for kids. We will bring this film to K-6 classrooms to encourage kids to talk about their heroes, diversity and race.

One line: “Once upon a time a Brown Princess saves a Prince and his entire multi-colored kingdom from a White Wizard and his evil cohort trying to take control of the realm.”

George Lucas and wife Mellody Hobson recently made a key donation from the Lucas/Hobson Family Foundation allowing us to move forward. Ziggy Marley has provided music for the teaser and the film.

Compensation: $100 flat. Credit.
Location: Philadelphia, PA

If interested, please email me your work samples at [email protected]