Job Title: Actors needed
Compensation: Volunteer
Job Category: Cast
Project Name: Let’s Call A Taxi
Contact: Helen Nguyen
Phone: 215-796-8247
Email: [email protected]
Job Description: A trip hop DJ, a cult leader, an African general, a corrupt businessman and failed inventor tie for power and influence in an international trade scheme.

We are looking for actors interested in being in an animation film.
We will be rehearsing and performing a script which will be taped. An animator will turn your performances into a 2D cartoon.

All genders. All the roles are for the age range 18+

Date and times:

February 14th, 15th, 22nd, 24th, 28th and
March 1st
10am – 5pm

The filming and rehearsals are all day. Come for a day or for all days. Whatever days work for your schedule.

We are filming in Fairhill, Fishtown and Kensington.

Send us a note to let us know you are interested. Email us at [email protected]

We hope to see you there!