Based on standard industry listings of categories, the Greater Philadelphia Film Office provides this listing service at no cost to our community of crew and support service companies. This database will allow you to customize a search by category, name, or company. The search can then be further refined by region and/or union affiliation.
Find crew members in the Greater Philadelphia area to bring your production to life.
Returning Account Holders may log in to update and/or verify information. Each listing will be verified to ensure accuracy of the information provided to film and digital media companies. Updated listings will be temporarily unavailable until they are again verified.
NOTE: The Greater Philadelphia Film Office (GPFO) provides this information solely for your convenience. While every effort is made to keep such information accurate and up-to-date, the GPFO does not certify the authenticity of information that originates from third parties. The GPFO also assumes no liability for any actions taken or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein from whatever source nor shall the GPFO be liable for any other consequences from any such reliance. GPFO will correct errors and omissions when they come to our attention, and we welcome all parties to inform us of possible errors and omissions: [email protected].
Lean on us for support when creating your listing
Profile Details
Three categories are allotted for every profile. If you require more than 3 categories, please contact [email protected] to assist you.
Crew & Support Services
This new platform separates all listings into Crew and Vendors (Support Services). Crew, is comprised of traditional, on-set CREW JOBS. Support Services is comprised of any business/individual that contracts with a production for services of any kind.
You may also need to create two (2) profiles if, for example, you are Caterer and provide Craft Services. In this case, you would need to create two profiles: One for Caterer (Support Services) and a second for Craft Services (Crew). You will not be able to link the two profiles.
We encourage crew to regularly update your professional credits to reflect your current work experience. Please log into your account and follow the format carefully to ensure optimal exposure.
Union Affiliations
Please login to select all union affiliations to increase your visibility in common search results.
Years in Business
This is no longer a separate field. We recommend including this in your information in the Special Skills & Experience section.
Links to Image/Video Accounts
We strongly encourage crew and vendors to include links for producers to see more of your work.
A professional website or portfolio
YouTube, Vimeo, or other video platforms where you upload reels
Relevant social media accounts
with the Greater Philadelphia Film Organization
We accepts resumes throughout the year for our internship program. Apply today!