Our American Family, A Documentary Feature Film Directed and produced by Hallee Adelman and Sean King O’Grady


There’s only one place to go after rock bottom. Addiction is an all-encompassing force in not only the lives of the...

Our American Family, A Documentary Feature Film Directed and produced by Hallee Adelman and Sean King O’Grady2024-12-03T13:56:00+00:00

ABORTION HELPLINE, THIS IS LISA, a new short documentary by Philadelphia filmmakers Barbara Attie, Janet Goldwater and Mike Attie


ABORTION HELPLINE, THIS IS LISA, a new short documentary by Philadelphia filmmakers Barbara Attie...

ABORTION HELPLINE, THIS IS LISA, a new short documentary by Philadelphia filmmakers Barbara Attie, Janet Goldwater and Mike Attie2024-12-03T14:02:12+00:00