End of the Line is an intelligent, character-driven urban TV drama. The show has a unique never-been-attempted perspective and contains thought-provoking dialogue, characters, and stories performed by a rising talented cast. Check it out!
The show is about LeRoy “Roy” Downs, a nurse psychologist (and seminary dropout) who has, for the past two years, been running Sunrise Clinic, a unique hospice clinic for inner-city residents who’ve fallen through the cracks. In his constant battle to save his patient-clients in trying to help them stave off death with positive reinforcement (his “Power of the Tongue” psychological approach), Roy is battling some in City Hall who wants to cut off city funding for Sunrise Clinic.
Filmed entirely in Philadelphia, the project was created, written, and executive produced by Randle B. Haley, directed and produced by Mike A. Pender, and produced and cast by Nakia Dillard.